Land & Water Forms — Mobile Montessori

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Land & Water Forms

Learn to identify the land and water forms with this app that complements the geography materials used in the Montessori Classroom!

In Lesson #1 learn the names and definitions of the forms:

Touch a form in the photo strip to change the featured form on the page. Touch the speaker button to hear the correct pronunciation of the form and touch the camera button to see an actual photograph of the form. Touch the definition button to see and hear the definition of the form.

In Lesson #2 practice identifying the forms using the Montessori three-part card system:

Follow the audio prompts to touch the requested shape or label. The cards will automatically move into position.

In Lesson #3 practice identifying the land and water forms using actual photographs:

Drag the picture cards underneath the control cards. Colored dots are on the cards for parents to use as a control of error.

In Lesson #4 practice coloring the Land & Water forms using your finger or the Apple Pencil!

This Montessori application was co-developed and approved by an AMI certified, Montessori Teacher with over forty years experience. Thank you for supporting our Montessori apps!