Apps for Autism
Recently, 60 Minutes investigated the use of the iPad in assisting autistic children and adults. If you haven't seen it yet, see it here:
The app discussed in the video is Proloquo2Go.
At Mobile Montessori, we cannot say that we've designed apps specifically for children with autism. However, we have received positive feedback from parents and teachers that are using some of our apps successfully with autistic children. Here are some of them:
Montessori Pre-Language Exercise: Opposites
This app is a very easy to use activity for children to learn the concept of opposites. Press the orange camera buttons to see the pictures and press the yellow speaker buttons to hear the words pronounced aloud. This app is available for both iPad & iPod Touch.
A Montessori Sensorial Exercise - Pink Tower
This app helps children to follow simple commands and learn to follow a sequence of events. Children must identify and touch the next cube in sequence from largest to smallest to complete the patterns. Available for iPad only.
Montessori Approach to Vocabulary - Animals
This app helps children to identify several animals. Touch the camera button for the picture to appear and touch the speaker button to hear the name aloud. This app is available for both the iPad and iPod Touch.
If you have experience using any of our apps with autistic children, please, share your experiences with us!