the Hundred Board for Apple TV

Hundred Board - Math by Mobile Montessori

The Hundred Board is a fun and educational exercise that helps children with their counting from 1 to 100. The task is simple: Assemble the board by finding and placing the number tiles in sequence.


Sequence (With Control) - Assemble the Hundred Board with the aid of seeing control numbers on the board to know what number to search for next.

Sequence (standard) - This activity tests a child's knowledge of numbers by having to search for the next number in sequence without any assistance.

Counting by Evens & Odds - As an introduction to skip-counting, children can assemble the Hundred Board by either Even or Odd numbers only.



- All activities are self-correcting.

- Every number can be heard aloud when it is placed into position, reinforcing the name of each number for the child.

- A score is presented for parents and teachers to evaluate a child's progress.



Hundreds of Schools worldwide have incorporated the iPad version of this app into their classrooms.

The Hundred Board is now promoted by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership as an effective app for learning number sequencing techniques.


Customer Comments:

"This looks very simple, but, you'd be surprised how engrossing the children find this lesson to be. I've watched our five year old daughter spend over an hour working with it, trying to get to a hundred!"

"Our son (6) started first grade and is ecstatic to be the only kid to write all the numbers from 1-100! Your app is fun to him!"


Thanks so much for your support of our educational apps and feel free to contact us anytime with your questions and comments!


Visit the App Store on Apple TV to purchase.